I've been sitting here at my computer thinking about everything and anything about the old runescape and what it would be like. I have come to realise a lot of things I think a lot of people are overlooking or just haven't thought about.
First of all, we take for granted a HUGE amount of content, you won't realise until you think about it for awhile or play the old runescape. But everyday players will be missing the GE, Run restore musicians, Deposit all, coin pouch, certain training areas and the list goes on. I assume the update is mainly aimed at Pkers, so maybe you don't care about these that much but there is something much more important people need to realise.
With a new economy, with everyone on a level playing field, there is NO money, NO items and everyone has to start from scratch. This means you can't just say "oh i'll just go buy a rune hatchet and get 80 woodcutting" no because not only will you have a very small amount of money, but no one will have a rune hatchet. You will need to sell items to general stores or high alch for money. You could kill monsters, but when you don't have any good gear that's going to be very hard. You want runes to train magic? Go train mining, collect rune ess, train runecrafting your self because we all know even if someone had 99 within 2 months, you can't afford their prices can you?
There are so many things to consider, and for the first few months training will be incredibly slow, for everything. The game won't be the same as it was in 2007, because in 2007 the game had been alive for a few years, so people already had money and items in the game.
I'm not saying this update will be terrible, I have no idea, I may be wrong about a lot of what I've said but it's probably going to be a very slow start and not what you expect. So it's probably worth your time to just think about how it might turn out. Thanks!
14-Feb-2013 17:31:42