Wow, this is amazing, HTML5 is amazing, and I can't wait for the switch! I will never get tired of being able to look at monsters' animations. I have to say that the KBD's walking animation looks hilarious from the side when you look at it like his back foot kicks his front foot forwards.
That said, I do have a few questions:
1. The first thing that happened was that it asked me if it was allowed to store a large amount of data on my computer. I use an SSD for my operating system, so I don't normally like big pieces of data going onto it, but redirect them to my hard drive instead. Where is this data stored?
2. Will we be able to see the full list of animations? For Jad, only one attack animation is shown. Many things have more than one attack.
3. More of an opinion, but the Attribute: Value part at the top of the monster information doesn't fit my taste as much for some reason. I looked at it, and while the other two fit better there, I thought it would be amazing if the monster's location section was replaced with a tab underneath the level bar one that had an icon of a map, and when clicked, would open a popup view of the world map with the locations of the monster glowing or something, so it's easy to see where they are. Above the map, it could list the locations as they are now. If you have a predefined set of locations, you should be able to similarly map each one to a glowing area on the map without doing it on a per-monster basis.
I love the idea and the beta. I never thought something so tied to your end would become available. Thank you very much for this.
18-Feb-2013 17:41:37