I have mixed feelings about this.
First off, they finally caught up with the times and added a skill bar. I agree this does make combat more enjoyable rather than clicking something and make it die. But I have to say the skills are pretty lackluster. For the most part each "class" has the same ability just under a different name. The lack of variation is pretty sad.
Second, this makes it easy to train on lower levels since the xp is so high. But later on, it is very tedious to train under this system. Especially with the combat triangle really working now, with certain enemies having to be fought in certain styles. I still don't understand how flimsy cloth repels a blade or ax, but whatever.
Third, I feel that melee gets shafted again. Ranged and magic have two escape mechanisms in addition to their slows. Warriors still need to run up to their targets to catch them. Sure they have damage, but they still face a greater problem now that they have to deal with the ranged escape tools. I would have thought they'd be given some kind of Intercept ability like in WoW.
All in all though, its really just a novelty. Fun at first, then it gets real old real fast.
09-Dec-2012 23:38:34