The xp reward was specifically for doing the survey. So ppl who participated in the beta, the academy, sorry if u didnt do the survey then you didnt do what the xp was for according to the news release promising the reward in the first place.
Having said that, what about having done the survey and still no xp award? No message, and no recognition by Diango?
I mentioned on the forums several times that I couldn't get a survey to appear after reaching 100% in the beta combat tutorial. I tried for several hours over several different days to get the last menu screen to activate "Next" with no luck. Only "exit" and "retry" were active. The exp reward should be for all that spent time and effort to do the beta tutorial and not just the people that were not effected by the programming error/glitch/bug.
WHY SO LATE? MY DEITY MAN, IN ALL THE POWER OF CAPS LOCK I CANCEL MY MEMBERSHIP.. You guys posted on the news that it was going to come at 18-11-12, not five days later.. as for the mad scientist costume, you said AS SOON AS EOC HITS, I guess as soon as it hit your member population you started it, right? You are lucky there is no angry emoticon.*****;