This event is broken, favoring the richest and most powerful players who can one-hit the dang snowmen. I am a respectable level and can nearly hit them for half their life with my whip,but I only get one hit and that's not enough to kill them. I even went to a less populated world thinking I'd have a better chance, and I even brought my own cannon, but their were even more cannons on that world, and I still got zero kills. My cannon shot, but the snowmen seemed to die even before my cannonball could hit it, either from other cannons or from high level players who were hogging kills and taking all the loot, giving lower-leveled people zero chance to enjoy the event. Normally I support Jagex, but this event is an epic fail. Here's an idea, span more snowmen, and make it a single combat area, then everyone can enjoy it.
You shouldn't make events that only one-tenth of one percent of all players can enjoy.
29-Dec-2012 07:32:46