This thread is going to be shut down or all our posts blocked from the sheer number of remove EOC.
Of course, that would be what I'd like to see most in 2013, is the removal of the EOC. People find it hard to call it Runescape anymore. Here's an example;
"in the eoc magic is best for gwd"
^This is what a majority of people will say. Notice it doesn't say "in Runescape." It says "In the eoc." This is typically how everything is spoken of now. You should change the name of the game because it really isn't the same at all. You should've just saved this "improved combat system" for your new transformers game coming out. People who have been playing this for years didn't want a drastic change to the thing they loved most. I myself am slowly moving on to other games of which you blatantly tried to con their combat system from.
The EOC doesn't require more skill, I've noticed it only easier to camp GWD, slayer tasks, tormented demons, glacors, qbd, etc. It's easier to train dungeoneering, as I go through 100+ floors without dying or eating any food. There's no more clan wars, which is the number 1 thing that was keeping me in this game. So many great people I've met have quit just for this reason, and I may be next.
There's so much more to rant about but I'm rambling at this point.
As for the best updates this year, I'd have to say QBD was alright.
15-Dec-2012 06:00:52