We're fast approaching one million likes over on the official RuneScape
page. As a thank-you for everybody who's showed their support to the game, we're awarding all players with a unique
Book of Faces
cosmetic reward when we hit the big one million!
Upon reaching a million, the Book of Faces will be available to equip from within your in-game customisation interface, providing a brilliantly bookish override for your character's head slot!
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The RuneScape Community Team
28-Nov-2012 16:04:53
- Last edited on
28-Nov-2012 17:34:14
Mod Mike
.... why should they. Ppl have a right not to be attacked by huge amounts of annoying pkers as soon as they go into the wildy, for something as innocent as star mining, or the mage arena. What about ppl wanting to fight enemies and *** ppl? Why should they be pked a soon as they enter the wildy. Have some compassion for ppl who dont pk.