1. gtfo with the eoc
2. gtfo with the pointless cosmetic items which arent even items no more but customization crap
3. don't try to rip us off irl money by selling bank space (for real..?) on hobomons store god damnit
gooooooooddd damnit jagex
yes their seem to be over 1m bots in this game too so that dont suprise me!!!!!!
i bet they are happy with you and this game they make a pretty penny selling all the gold and items for real money, no wonder you almost have 1m likes... idiot!!!
Exactlly how will you know what is my name on RuneScape if I like the FB page with a nonconnected to my RS account name account? (abit messy sentece lol)
P. s. to everyone as I understood everyone will get the mask when it will reach 1m likes
And I agree with Fros Tee about --------
1 million likes is pretty pathetic since you claim to have 200 million accounts. Now, spin that...
well done, thanks for stuffing up runescape, it was so fun before without this eoc, staking . carstle wars everything was so fun now the game is just bad, why dont you check out facebook your page and look at the comments. thanks just bring one normal world back and watch how many players will come back to you