Just a general statement out to the Jagex Moderators. This game has become an extreme grind with the new EOC update. It all boils down to if you have money for the best gear in the game, you're set. But for the poorer side of the rs community like myself, making cash is practically impossible. The time spent making 300-500k can be made in seconds of what is known as the flower game/ flower poker. This issue needs to be addressed immediately with the unbalanced economy. Another area in particular that I'd like to be noticed are the curse prayers. For the people that spent massive amounts of cash on obtaining a high prayer level(95, for example) have wasted their money!... By turning prayer into yet another buyable, pointless skill is ruining the game for higher level players. All I ask is that this message is read and considered through the jagex moderators as well as the players of the rs community to fully comprehend my standpoint on the issues that I have addressed.
23-Nov-2012 06:29:13