1. What do you like doing most on RuneScape?
- I'm currently going for my max cape.
2. What accomplishments are you most proud of ingame that you have achieved?
- I managed to remember the pw 12 y/o me came up when I restarted runescape 4 or so years ago.
3. Clan events are at 9pm EST. Do you think this time will work for your schedule?
- Depends on the night. Weekdays probably yes.
4. What do you look forward to after joining TUO, if you are accepted?
- Bossing, farming, and skilling with guild mates.
5. Do you plan on talking/active in the clan chat?
- Of course!
6. Do you agree to keep all drama out of the clan chat and keep things mature?
- Always!
7. How did you find our clan, did someone recruit you?
- I was in this clan about 1.5 yrs ago and got swept (IRL be that way, ya know?)
11-Aug-2019 05:37:34