1. What do you like doing most on RuneScape?
My largest motivator right now is quests - I do them as soon as I have the reqs, oftentimes making it harder on myself. That's just part of the fun in my eyes, though. After that, I look forward to completing things like Achievement Diaries and other "completion" type tasks.
2. What accomplishments are you most proud of ingame that you have achieved?
On this account, I made it to 200 Quest Points without breaking 60 combat or 1000 total level. I'm hoping to make it to Quest Cape without breaking 100 combat or 1750 total level, if it is possible.
3. Clan events are at 9pm EST. Do you think this time will work for your schedule?
That should work, as long as my wife and I are not spending time together and my son has went to bed. They usually are asleep by then, though.
4. What do you look forward to after joining TUO, if you are accepted?
I personally enjoy just hanging out and talking about the game with other people. I also do like helping other out, especially if it is something I am very familiar with (quests, etc.) Crazily enough, I do like the free xp from capping every week and will probably be done with it every week on the first day.
5. Do you plan on talking/active in the clan chat?
I'm not super chatty, but I will definitely have a presence in the chat. If I'm not actively talking, I will be watching chat to see if anyone addresses me about something.
6. Do you agree to keep all drama
out of the clan chat and keep things mature?
7. How did you find our clan, did someone recruit you?
Was browsing forums and found this page; seemed like you were large enough to have some traction but not too large to where I'm just another name in a list.
04-Feb-2019 00:55:01