Miss Bliss, thank you for contacting me. No one has to have a personal invitation to visit so please stop by. We enjoy visitors and keep access to clan chat open for anyone to drop in. Fair warning our chat is sometimes quiet so hope you won't interpret that as your being unwelcome. Members are all friendly and courteous to guests.
When Irons were first introduced into the game some of our members asked to exchange their accounts for Irons, and at that time I declined. Our policies have remained the same because I felt that changing policies would have been an affront to those who originally asked to change accounts.
In the future I may ask Deps their opinion about making a change. Some of our members play their Iron accounts and guest in chat while doing so. Other Irons visit chat and all Irons are always welcome.
My in game pm is always on and if I see your pm I'm always happy to answer.
Fealty Stars Clan
Founding Owner, 20/04/2012