I am interested in your clan. I am curious of the requirements and would like to connect with you to see if I am qualified to join.
MageJames 2004-2006
0xXJamesXx0 2018-
0xXJamesXx0 thank you so much for contacting me in game. I wish Jagex coding allowed OSRS and RS3 clans to interface but sadly they do not. Please keep me added should you decide to play RS3.
Our basic qualifications for members is that they get along well with other members, are polite and friendly so all including visitors have fun being in our chat. Simple stuff. We have no level or xp output requirements. If you log into RS3 please stop in and say hi. You may want to stay.
Thank you so much Patches for the bump. Much appreciated.
Fealty Stars Clan
Founding Owner, 20/04/2012