1). DO NOT discriminate against other people, due to their RACE, AGE, GENDER, etc..
2). Treat others how you wish to be treated, with respect !
3). No advertising other discord/clan chats.
4). Keep the chat to English only and keep swearing to a minimum.
5). No spamming of any kind, whether that be gold selling sites , You Tube links etc.
- Politics
- Religion
- Dark Shit ( for example , terrorism jokes, gore, necrophilia)
- Criminal activity
- Anything against RS Rules
- Topics that could reasonably be considered shocking/ disturbing by a reasonable, not overly- sensitive person
- suicide jokes
- flaming, abusive language, griefing
- referring to stuff as "cancer" "Downs" "Aids etc.
7). If you have a dispute with another clan member, please keep it out of clan chat. Message a Key plus rank to request help in resolving said dispute to ensure that the clan chat is kept a positive and mature space at all times.
Admin Rules
1.) Follow all Clan Rules; this position doesn't make you better than anyone else.
2.) Do not abuse your position; it will be removed immediately.
3.) Do not threaten to Kick/Demote without valid cause.
4.) Do not abuse your Kicking ability.
5.) Avatar use is restricted on World(s) 12, 15
14-Apr-2021 11:58:10