What is a name you prefer to be called? Wackkoo... or Wack... or Keegan... whatever really lol.
What time zone do you normally play in most often? Central USA
How did you find our clan? The recruitment forums
List previous clans: Hmm, I think I was in an old friend's clan, The Enduring, but only technically lol. Never really participated, he just kinda invited me.
Will you read the forums or clan discord to keep up to date on events and news? Sure!
Will you follow all clan rules? I will sure try!
Do you know how to get to the Clan Forums? Yup.
Do you know how the Citadel works? Ish, I haven't really "capped" at one before. Only toured.
Do you understand you'll be on probation for 7 days? Sure.
Do you like knitting? Never tried it lol.
Coca-Cola or Pepsi? Both =p.
Please add anything about yourself you'd like to share: I can be shy, but want desperately to make this a fun social game again!
27-Aug-2022 01:27:12