Good evening!
I'm a UK based player and like most I'm juggling a work life, with RS3 being one of my sweet releases! ;')
I'm looking for a clan, preferably with some players that are active during UK times, to make friends and people to share the Runescape 3 experience with.
I am currently a maxed player.
My in-game goals are; Going for comp, at a relatively steady pace, build my competence with higher level PVM and to build up my treasure collection from clue scrolls! xD
I will often be found in my POF, rinsing my slayer-helmet-forced tasks (abyssal demons/Dagganoths at DKS/Dark beasts/Ganodermic) camping at super AFK bosses or wandering around cluelessly wondering what the hell I should do next!
Thanks for taking this post into consideration
23-Oct-2022 23:12:33