---------------Official Legend of III New Recruit Application--------------
1. What makes you interested in joining The Legend of III?
Currently I am a returning player to RS in search of a clan where i can enjoy daily activities/events in correlation to catching up to what i missed in the past. I love the family atmosphere.
2. What types of events would you be interested in attending?
Personally bossing events are of my favorite, but I will definitely will be taking advantage of the many skilling events done as a clan. Yesterday we walked pengs as a group and I thought it was pretty neat! Personally I believe every play has an opportunity to learn from one another
3. What type of player do you categorize yourself as (skiller, pvmer, quester, etc.)?
Generally speaking I'm more heavy on pvm, but i love skilling too if that makes sense.
4. What are your goals in Runescape?
As of right now Im just looking to find my grounding, but Im working towards becoming a more advanced pvmer (I.e. Nex, Telos, Araxxor) with the introduction of very advanced mechanics I struggle in certain areas.
5. In the Legend of III, our main two rules are no begging and respect among others. In your own words, how do you define respect? And how does one show respect among the clan?
Respect is understanding that people have traveled different paths but are on in search of one general goal, Success! Respect among a clan is learning that you must not always lead because you can never learn if you always teach. Accepting that someone sees things another way or being a little different is okay!
6. Who/Whom referred you to our clan, or how did you find out about us?
Smourted, Hes the GOAT!
05-Nov-2020 18:46:49