It's Friday (yup couple days day late

) and time to announce the winners of the Resource Raffle. We had 9 entries this week. Great job.
We are Citadel T7. Great job everyone. We now have a sparkly vex to show off to all of Runescape. We are now working on our Dragon Perch (currently 95%) for our clan dragon. Gonna be sweet seeing her flying around when we get her
We need 25 visitors weekly in the Citadel for our upgrades to happen. It only takes a minute or so to visit. All visits are greatly appreciated and help upgrades happen faster.
Thank you to everyone for capping and posting this week.
Keep up the great work .
Here are the raffle winners for Aug 13 - 19
1st prize of 5 million gp is...……… Alex360
2nd prize of 3 million gp is...……....Jak Again
3rd prize of 2 million gp is...……….Borininear
Congratulations to all our winners this week
Remember once you cap in the Citadel, post to our recruitment thread on forums (QFC: 290-291-938-65953492) to be entered into the Resource Raffle
Good luck everyone and happy capping
P.S. If you see your name here and I haven't seen you in game please message me with in game name
P.S.S. If you were one of the winners last week and I some how missed seeing you in game please message me with in game name or message me in game