CLAN RINGlan rings can be obtained by talking to the Quartermaster in a Clan Citadel after skilling enough that tick. To gain access to him, you must have a sufficiently high rank to enter the keep (inner set of doors).Prior to the 6 March 2012 update, earning a clan ring meant collecting resources 100 times. For example, at the tree, this meant 100 mouse clicks, although at the kiln, furnace, and obelisk, players could collect resources multiple times with a single mouse click. After the update, all skill plots now collect resources multiple times per mouse click. However, the update also increased the required number of collections from 100 to 500. Note that the number of collections is not the number of resources, since players rarely collect 1.00 resources at a time.Clan rings give a 50% experience boost while skilling on the surface (i.e., not at the citadel). If you have gathered enough resource, you will get a message to talk to the Quartermaster to claim your ring. He will give an uncharged ring, which can be charged by using it on one of the skill plots. The ring will give bonus experience in only that skill. The amount is dependent on your level and the tier of the plot; the higher the more experience the ring will give.Note: You will not get your Clan ring back if you die.Note: You can not change the Clan ring from one into another, even if you have not used it until then. Charging the ring will make it impossible to uncharge it.A player charges his Clan ring.The rings are:Woodcutting ring (tier 1 Citadel required)Mining ring (tier 2 Citadel required)Firemaking ring (tier 3 Citadel required)Smithing ring (tier 3 Citadel required)Summoning ring (tier 5 Citadel required)Crafting ring (tier 5 Citadel required)Cooking ring (tier 6 Citadel required)Noteworthy informationEditIn order to charge your clan ring at a resource plot, you must have level 40 in that skill.The ring does not have to be worn for this 50% bonus, having it in your inventory is enough. This
27-Jan-2023 20:27:21