Name: L S D Cookie
Do you agree to the Clan Rules? Yes.
Have you been out of a clan for at least 7 days? Left my last clan because of them bullying and flaming me. Not sure if 7 days have passed.
How long have you been playing Runescape? 7 years, at first i played on many different accounts, then i created this one. Soon i'll be rewarded with 5 year veteran cape.
Is this character your Main? Yes.
Do you like to Boss? If so, which ones? This is my favorite activity, seeing a rare wealthy drop is the best feeling to me. My most favorite boss is araxxor. I laso do all gwd and gwd 2 bosses, raids, nex and many more.
What are your current RS3 goals? Currently: Prepare for double xp weekend (99 summ, herblore and possibly construction.) , get all skills to atleast lvl 80+ since i hate skilling and get all 3 maxed pvm gear sets, melee and mage left (excluding t92 weapons for now).
Have you ever been in a clan before? Yes, though i left them due to inactivity/flaming.
What are you looking to get out of joining our clan? I want a clan which i could call my home of runescape. Friendly, helpful clanmates. Learn group bosses such as nex: angel of death, vorago and yakamaru ( i have 1 kc, havent done it again since then, because it is really hard to find a team that would accept me with only 1 kc) . I also want to help lower level players aswell, it is something i enjoy doing.
What do you think you bring to the clans social environment? A mature, helpful and friendly person, who enjoys helping others and sharing knowledge/experience of 7 years total playtime.
Do you plan on visiting the channel soon? Not sure how to do it.
Can you turn on your private message so someone can pm you? Of course!
31-Aug-2017 15:04:17
- Last edited on
31-Aug-2017 15:05:09