Todavia es un clan activo? Quisiera ver la posibilidad de unirme. 88/86/86/99 att/str/def/hitpoints combat 111.
Si amigo, muy activo, igual no es necesario q digas tus lvls, aquí pueden entrar todos sin reqs (mientras se comporten claro jaja) si gustas entrar como Guest(invitado) y pedir inv a cualquiera. bienvenido seras. Salu2!
Thank you for making a Clans thread within the RuneScape forums.
I'm just letting You and your Clan know that posts and threads here need to be in English. You can talk in your preferred language but you need to add a translation into English too for all the Clan details.
That way everyone can read and understand it and maybe join your Clan.
Good luck with it too.
Hello friend, thanks for warning, a little late indeed because the post takes time, but it is good to know. Now I need a clarification. Do you want the whole post to be in English? So we delete this post? Or do you want us to add an English translation to this?
We are a Latino clan that recruits Spanish-speaking people, if the post were in English it would not reach the audience we want, in addition there are no forums for our community.
I hope you understand.
Many Greetings.
Me interesa unirme al clan, como le hago?
Hola amigo, es fácil, solo debes entrar al clan como invitado/guest y preguntar por invitación, si no busca nuestro discord y pregunta por invitación también https://discord.me/vanguardia
muchos saludos!
Vanguardia tiene sus puertas abiertas para todos los que se quieran unir, sin importar la experiencia en el juego. Estamos todos para aprender y ayudarnos.