RSN: Pink 4 Twink
Prefered name: Pink ( "Twink" works, too)
Pronouns: He/ Him/ His
Total level: 2559
Why would you like to join our community?: I want to be play alongside other LGBT players, I'm gay as well. I'm active an active volunteer at an LGBT Center. I feel there are too few LGBTQ Clans out there.
Just your friendly neighborhood gay boy!
RSN: Zemzellet
Preferred Name: Char
Pronouns: She/Her
Total Level: 1233
Why would you like to join our community?: I recently got back into playing and it would be nice to be involved with a clan. Public chat isn't the most welcoming place.
Hey. Are you still recruiting? If so, there are the details:
RSN: Dr Gosferano
Preferred Name: gosferano
Pronouns: He/Him (otherwise it would get too complicated)
Total Level: 568 (fresh start on a new account, played a lot years ago)
Why would you like to join our community?: MMO games were always better when having people to share the adventures/experiences with, as well as more social interactions, lively chat from time to time. Being in ND and LGBTQIA+ person at the same time is challenging when things relate to social interactions. And your clan seems like a perfect fit for a newly forged RS3 member.