...`..`*.*.``*...`..`*..* ...`..`*.*.``*...`..`*....`..`*.*.`..`..`*.*.``*...`..`*...`..`*.*...`..`*.*.``*...`*.*.``*.....`..`*.*.`You’re invited to join or guest in rising phoenixs...`..`*.*.``*...`..`*`*..`..`*.*``*...`..`*.*...`..`*.*.``*...`.`..`*.*...`..`*.*.``*...`*.*.``*...`*.*.`..`..`*.*.`..`..`..`*.*.`..`..`*.*.`
~ Clan Discord access
we are the Rising phoenixs, We aim to make clannies feel at home! No stress, no mandatory capping. Just a chilled chat and plenty of helpful, caring and understanding clannies to help you out! We make sure everyone feels included in our day-to-day activities and decline any negative behaviour towards the LGBT community and individuals of all ages who may have learning difficulties. We aim to embrace everybody as they are and treat them as an individual, as no two people will ever be the same. we have discord too
~ Tier 1 Citadel with a Weekly XP Boost
~ PvM Learner Sessions when can
~ Events are Person Centered
~ Mixed Timezones
~ P2P/f2p
just pm me in ingame
king vortexs
01-Apr-2023 13:57:15