Why I like Clay Gods:
There is always someone in CC I want to talk to.
There is rarely someone in CC who annoys me.
The clan members are helpful.
Foxie-baiting is enjoyed by most clan members (including Foxie)
Lvii is definately not Dom but does come in 57 varities!
Nessie is not a myth.
Merc is more legendary than just a car.
The clan is Lucky to have her.
Measels is to be celebrated.
Picklzz don't come in jars
We have our very own Monster
There is a Master
Thumper is not a bunny.
Kitties go Wild!
Skillerz have United!
We have jules! Better than diamonds!
We Die Laffin.
We are smart enough to finally FINALLY guess Tib's name
Santa is in our clan and even though I am on his naughty list, I still think he's great!
23-Aug-2013 20:48:19