Username: KiippQ
Name you'd like to be known by: Kiipp
Timezone: GMT
P2P or F2P: P2P
Combat Level: 39
Total Level: 520
Any 99’s?: 0
What are your future plans in RS?: Im not sure I've only been playing a week so far
Why are you joining Tranquil Dawn?: want some social activity whilst playing
Are you willing to help at the citadel? ofcourse i will learn how to do it and help out
Did a member of the clan recruit you? If so, who?: no
I thought id add abit on about my self im 31 years old and i have a 1 year old little boy, i started playing runescape around a week ago (Brand new) im loving the game and looking to enjoy my adventure with others.
26-Aug-2023 08:52:50