• How did you find our clan? (Or the name from who referred you)
A: My brother (kirby) & Erik (kire 667)
• Why are you interested in joining us?
A: Clan seems relaxing and very helpful.
• Total lvl
A: 2012
• Are you P2P or F2P (if F2P are you planning to become P2P in the future?):
A: P2P
• Timezone (optional):
• Clan history; previous clan(s) (and reason for leaving (optional)):
A: "Flip 2 win" - Disliked the way the clan was ran. "Willpower" - Nothing gained was just a chilling clan so i left. "Thee Clan" - No active Players.
• Do you intend to cap in our citadel weekly? (Note: This is not mandatory):
A: From time to time yes.
• Is there anything you would like to tell about yourself/what you do in game?
A: Bankstand and skill while i chat to players.
• Are you interested in using our Teamspeak/Offsite (Which one or both)?
A: Probably offsite, I have my own teamspeak server.
• Do you agree with the clan rules/guidelines posted on this thread?
A: Yes
• Will you read through our new members guide thread after joining? (Most of it is the same but the 1st posts hold some more detailed info about the clan).
A: I already read it before answering this application.
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