¤ Username: Moti 92
¤ Combat level: 137
¤ Total level: 2337
¤ What would you like us to call you? Moti is fine I guess.
* What time zone are you in? GMT
¤ Have you been in a clan before? If so, left/kicked: Few pvp clans before EoC. Been looking around for a community on RS3 but nothing has stuck.
* What are your current goal(s)? Maxed.
¤ How did you hear of Cruelty? Official Rs Forums
¤ Have you read and understood our clan rules? Yes of course
* Can you bump the thread when it is needed? Yes sure.
¤ Anything else you would like to add about? Not that I can think of right now.
17-Apr-2016 04:16:32