So much going on in SoA. There's a new puzzle up from Lilly for you to guess, Wizanthony has an ava adventure up, and Sgt Pepper's musical journey through time on our clan discord is up to the music of the 90s now! There's still time to have a go at Bloodshot5's ''Tune-in Tuesday". Wizanthony has surged ahead of Kitty Smith in our Monthly ex comp, and people are getting organsed for the week-long farming comp Elktz is about to run. We've got Sunday Cita capping at Aussie time on in 11.5 hours for those who want and and heaps more going on, and remember, all events and the cita are optional in SoA.
Spirits of Arianwyn
| @Rae_Aus
Sorry I'm late to the party here but I've been in SoA since April 2017 and its the greatest thing I've done on runescape, i even went to runefest with the clan!
Im not gonna post a long post on how great and friendly we are here, just apply to join
Just make sure you don't finish last in the skill comps as Rae hands out the dreaded wooden spoon!