Runescape name: caracolitowo
Name you would like to be called: cara
How long have you been playing RS: created my account in september-ish of this year?
Total level: 2017
Why do you want to join this clan: I have seen that a lot of spaces can be toxic or hateful (like all chat :/ ), so I'd like to have a safe space to start learning PvM in a clan where there is no homophobia/transphobia/etc.
Where did you hear about us (please be specific): I was scrolling for clans to join on the forum and found this one.
What timezone are you: CT
What does LGBT+ mean to you personally?: To me, LGBT+ means not cisgender and/or not straight. It's a community that strives to be inclusive to others' differences and to celebrate that. It does not
mean gay. Rather, it specifically encompasses the more marginalized identities of lesbian, bi, trans, and other individuals.
25-Dec-2022 01:30:13