Runescape name:
Name you would like to be called:
El_Drink or Lee
How long have you been playing RS:
On and off for 15 years
Total level:
Why do you want to join this clan:
A lot of clans I've tried to be a part of have been pretty toxic in general. My friends 2pepper2 and Ntenlnisc123 joined have had nothing but good things to say.
Where did you hear about us (please be specific):
The two friends mentioned above
What timezone are you:
What does LGBT+ mean to you personally?
To me it represents a group of people and their allies who refuse to feel shame for simply being themselves and instead feel pride in being associated with the term. It's an attitude that is inspiring both in the context of sexual orientation as well as "doing what you love" in general.
05-Aug-2021 17:11:10