--->Ranks and Promotions<---
Recruit, Corporal, Sergeant - These ranks are for those who are new to the clan or have only capped no more than 2 times. These may be inactive members as well.
Lieutenant, Captain, General - These ranks are typically our more active members who regularly cap at the citadel or participate in events and are actively communicating with others.
Admin - Reserved for those who show an exemplary example of our rules and are very active as well as helping others without being asked.
Organizer - Reserved for those who wish to help with organizing events with the coordinator
Coordinator - Reserved for individuals who wish to carry out the events with members.
Overseer - Reserved for those who wish to help oversee the clan and its sucess. Not an easily obtainable rank as this rank is also responsible for helping with recruiting, building discord, events and answering questions for clan members.
Deputy Owner - TBD
Owner - Thats me - Hi