Clan Application Questions:
1.) Have you been in a clan before? If yes, what made you leave the previous clan your in? clan?
No havent pklayed since Eoc.
2.) Were you kicked from other clans because of your misbehavior or violating clan rules? This is answered only if (1) is answered yes.
no havent played since eoc
3.) Are you an experienced veteran player or a starting fresh out newbie? If former is answered, how long and what have you accomplished during those times?
ive achieved 2 max accounts before the game has made it to pre eoc once it hit EOC i fully quit until OSRS played that til this day with many breaks between due to playing alone, now im returning to Rs3 to check it out cause it does seem cool.
4.) What are your good qualities given you will become a part of this clan? If you can also contribute to clan progress, what would it be you prefer to willingly do?
To be completely true, im not sure what i can provide for the clan besides another member just trying to create bonds with people and actually have friends to play and enjoy videogames with again
5.) What will be your usual playing time zone and how often you are on weekly?'
currently not working due to winter - everyday for atleast hmm 16hours
31-Jan-2021 01:29:29