Hi, I'd like to apply to join the Athena Familia.
1.) Have you been in a clan before? If yes, what made you leave the previous clan your in?
Yes. Because I stepped away from Runescape for a few years.
2.) Were you kicked from other clans because of your misbehavior or violating clan rules? This is answered only if (1) is answered yes.
3.) Are you an experienced veteran player or a starting fresh out newbie? If former is answered, how long and what have you accomplished during those times?
Somewhere in between. I have never had a level 99 skill but I have played a decent amount.
4.) What are your good qualities given you will become a part of this clan? If you can also contribute to clan progress, what would it be you prefer to willingly do?
Can be very chatty. Like to help, although am poor in game relatively speaking.
5.) What will be your usual playing time zone and how often you are on weekly?
EST. I am on around 4-5 times a week currently.
10-Aug-2022 04:16:04