1.) Have you been in a clan before? If yes, what made you leave the previous clan your in?
Yes, they were boring and never said anything.
2.) Were you kicked from other clans because of your misbehavior or violating clan rules? This
is answered only if (1) is answered yes.
3.) Are you an experienced veteran player or a starting fresh out newbie? If former is answered, how long and what have you accomplished during those times?
I'm a veteran but I only my knowledge isn't much. Just what currently pertains to my goal or recent goals. I got my 15 year cape recently but I had only played sporadically since OSRS evolved into rs3. At those times I was like level 78 combat and through the years got into the 126 level and a few lvl 80 non-combat skills. In the past year I've regained my interest and got all 99s as well as done many more quests and learned a lot.
4.) What are your good qualities given you will become a part of this clan? If you can also contribute to clan progress, what would it be you prefer to willingly do?
I am pretty damn helpful, I also am talkative (at least in text chat) and not annoying, when I am available for voice chat( rarely) I am even better company. I am inclusive and try to always have fun. I'm not super experienced in clan progression type things, but let me know how I can help.
5.) What will be your usual playing time zone and how often you are on weekly?
(GMT-7) My playtime varies with my work schedule but I am on AT LEAST once every two days and most commonly for a couple of hours each day.
Hi NippleBreeze. Thanks for your reply to clan application. If you are still interested, guest in the clan chat and ask any clan members for invite. Else, I'll contact you in game if I see you on. Hope to see you soon.