1.) Have you been in a clan before? If yes, what made you leave the previous clan your in? clan?
Yes I was in some random clan i cant remember the name of for like probably just
under a week that was just a bunch of max levels and chat was pretty dead.
2.) Were you kicked from other clans because of your misbehavior or violating clan rules? This is answered only if (1) is answered yes.
No I have not, I've been a good boy lol, ive only ever been in that one clan
mentioned anyway.
3.) Are you an experienced veteran player or a starting fresh out newbie? If former is answered, how long and what have you accomplished during those times?
Im fairly new to runescape(my total lvel is 330), but have been playing mmorpgs for
over a decade and have seemed to grasp this game fairly quickly.
4.) What are your good qualities given you will become a part of this clan? If you can also contribute to clan progress, what would it be you prefer to willingly do?
I'm a laid back guy who likes to progress through games with other
chill people. Ive always loved the idea of clans. I'll always msg back in chat if a guildmate
asks a question I can help
out with. I love being social and in discord calls completing whether we're
completing objectives or just chatting
5.) What will be your usual playing time zone and how often you are on weekly?
Im Canadian so im EST. Im on at least every other day(anywhere from to 10pm PT -
12am PT | 1pm EST - 3am EST). I work evenings so my schedule is kind of all over the
place but I plan on being on RS as much as i can
I hope I end up being a good fit and getting to know everyone
Hi brew ssbm. If you are still interested in joining, just guest in our clan chat and ask any clan members for invite. Else, I'll contact you in game if I see you on. Hope to see you soon.