Combat Level: 136
Total Level: 2223, will be higher by the time anyone reads this
More of a Skiller or PvMer? i like to boss, but i havent done it since gwd was first released. I hate being inefficient, so having hit 99 slayer yesterday im now finishing reqs to boss efficiently
Do you enjoy group bossing\would you like to learn? yeah absolutely, i LOVE monotonous grind, including bossing for hours, but i need people to talk to, to keep it interesting.
Timezone? +10gmt which is australian time, if it helps its 6:20pm my time, as i submit this.
Have you read and agree with all of the rules? yes
How'd you find out about TVP? forum post reply
What's Rule #4 in your own words? dont beg, scam
Do you have any questions about TVP? everything was thorough in the description, so nah
18-Feb-2017 07:17:07