--Combat Level: 56
--Total Level: 728
-More of a Skiller or PvMer? A little of both.
-Do you enjoy group bossing\would you like to learn? I would, but to be honest I don't expect to be good at it, and I don't expect to attempt it soon.
-What're your goals in-game?
-Timezone? US Central
-Have you read and agree with all of the rules? Yes
-How'd you find out about TVP? Searching the official forums
-What's Rule #4 in your own words? Threatening to kick a clanmate is rude and not permitted. I firmly agree with this.
-Do you have any questions about TVP? Not specifically, but I expect to have a lot of questions about clans in general. I'm newly converted from OSRS.
09-Feb-2020 05:48:28