2. No drama in Clan Chat.
3. No PKing clan members.
4. No Hacking, Scamming, Gambling or Running Games of Chance. (Except Clan Leader Approved Prize Giving Events)
5. Please respect all leadership positions.
6. No bashing other clans and their members. Please show respect.
7. No begging of clan members for anything.
8. No discussing religion, politics, drugs, or anything else considered illegal or criminal. This
could create conflict.
9. No swearing allowed in CC. Slip ups do happen and you will not be kicked for this,
but you will get a reminder. We have Discord, PM's, and personal FC's that you may use with
your own discretion.
10. No racial slurs or any derogatory words that degrade anyone will be tolerated.
11. Please show all clan members respect. We are a family!
12. HAVE FUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
14-Aug-2021 22:04:09