Hello! I was browsing the forum threads for clans and your resonse to another poster caught my attention. I am a middle aged gamer, but I am new to RS3, as I have only been playing since April 2022). I have been a gamer for around 17 years. I began when my kids were young as a way to allow them the freedom to game but also ensure their safety online. The kids are all grown now, and we're all still gaming. Sometimes as a family, and sometimes each on our own solo adventures. I loved the tone and ease of your response in the thread. I am a very casual player who enjoys leveling my skills and doing treasure hunts, events and questing so far. I may or may not become interested in doing PVM at some point. For now, I'm just exploring and learning the game. I'm an extroverted introvert, so I can be a social butterfly, but I also love solo play, and often will listen more than I speak when part of a clan, (or kinship as it is known in LOTRO where I come from). I hope to hear of your decision either way. Thank you in advance if it's a yes, and a thank you for reading and replying if it's a no. Journey Far and Journey Well, (and slay many dragons along the way)!
24-May-2022 04:19:49