Have you ever found yourself sitting late at night, begrudgingly not knowing what to do and afk skilling while you scroll meme pages?
We do that almost daily.
Have you tried countless times to join clans, just to have them kick you cuz you said something questionable as a joke, or because you didnt cap at cit?
Couldnt be us.
Have you died while bossing because you were too busy discussing that which is not to be discussed within Fa... I mean Jagex's realms?
That sounds like us.
Okay soooooo basically we dont require anything. We dont even have filters. You could have an Overall Lvl of 100, or be working on your last 200mil skill. We've got players here of every caliber you could think of. Frequent bossers, to efficient skillers, to players that just sit there afking and chatting, not really trying to accomplish anything and just want to have a good time.
We have Discord, but again, not a requirement. If you like memes.... of.... well, lets just say all kinds of memes... then yeah that Discord is a must. Fair number of us long timers that have been in this clan for years and still havent left yet also play other games that are pretty popular like LoL, Civ 5, Dyson Sphere Project, etc. So we got dat dank gaming community going.
You dont need to read this part,
But if you want background on this clan and how/why it was founded, essentially there is a group of 5 or 6 guys that had been playing together for years prior to the founding of this clan, split off from an old one because they didnt want to deal with being censored every time they started typing. Few years later the core is still standing, with a few additions, and a few subtractions aloong the way. IDEAS MAY CHANGE, BUT REMEMBER THAT FAKE NEWS IS IMMINENT AND STAYS FOREVER
We like memes and no filters. If you're interested you can simply guest in cc, FAKE NEWS, or if thats too much to handle PM LiquorSnurff. We've been around for years, and we dont plan on going anywhere anytime sooon.
13-Mar-2021 17:48:43
- Last edited on
13-Mar-2021 17:56:58