1. What is your total level? Combat level? Virtual level? -
Due to the fact that I have come back to RuneScape after 8+ years and creating a new account, on which I've only played 2 days, my stats aren't that impressive. However, I'm trying to max my account using only methods available from level 1. Current total level: 137. Combat level: 3. Virtual level: 137.
2. How would you describe yourself: Skiller, PvMer, PvPer, somewhere in between, or something else? -
Perserverant skiller, item hoarder, theorycrafter & sometimes wiki editor
3. Who told you about us? (Skip if not applicable) -
4. Would you like to get a Discord and do you have a mic? (Not necessary) -
I would like to, but might not always be able to speak due to my anxiety
5. Do you agree to all of our rules? -
I do
6. What are the Mystery Words (Hint: They're in the Rules section of the thread) -
Lorehound (I could only find that one, not multiple)