RSN: Kalamadoo
1. What is your total level? Combat level? Virtual level? 1014 total level and 66 combat. Not sure what a Virtual level is
2. How would you describe yourself: Skiller, PvMer, PvPer, somewhere in between, or something else? Skiller, hopefully PvM someday, never been into PvP.
3. Who told you about us? (Skip if not applicable) In the process of looking for a clan and seemed like a good fit from what ive read.
4. Would you like to get a Discord and do you have a mic? (Not necessary) I do not have a discord but id get one, maybe a mic.
5. Do you agree to all of our rules? Yes
6. What are the Mystery Words (Hint: They're in the Rules section of the thread) LoreHound
27-Sep-2021 22:49:11