RSN: Ruunipoeg
1. What is your total level? Combat level? Virtual level? Total: 1299, Combat: 110, I don't know what you mean by "Virtual level". Sorry. I haven't stick around for some time.
2. How would you describe yourself: I'd describe myself as a trader and adventurer. I like roaming around and getting into trouble and I love Gold Pieces! I've done it so for past 16 years in RS. I've also had a long break from RS and came back now few days ago. Just too much memories left behind.
3. Who told you about us? Noone. Just liked the name and the message in the clan section.
4. Would you like to get a Discord and do you have a mic? Yes, I'd like to have clans discord and yes, I have a mic.
5. Do you agree to all of our rules? Yes, completely.
6. What are the Mystery Words (Hint: They're in the Rules section of the thread) They are "Lorehound"
04-Dec-2019 19:08:03