Drama occurred on June 13th where a disgruntled staff member asked for another member to be banned. This disgruntled staff member quit the clan. After discussion of rehashing the clan and giving new roles were discussed the owner (RavenNoble) waited until the next day to delete the Discord channel.
RavenNoble says communication is the most important thing to him, however he then deleted many members from the clan without any kind of communication. This is my biggest thing I'm upset about. Had he communicated - things may have been resolved.
6-10 members were deleted in order for no further drama to come up based on the disgruntled member.
This is the first time I felt like I was part of a clan where I thought my thoughts mattered, but I was greatly mistaken in this situation and it sucks to be frank.
I wish the fellow members who didn't get kicked the best, but I truly hope the ones who get kicked are able to find a clan where they actually matter and are considered.