1) What kind of Anime do you like? List some of your favorites.
Romance, Slice of Life, Shounen, Shoujo-Romance, Mystery, Fantasy. Pretty much all genres! Clannad, Sword Art Online, and Nisekoi are some of my current favorites.
2) Have you read, and will you follow CC rules? Which do you think is/are the most important?
Yes! I believe respect of other's opinions towards an anime is especially important.
3) There is a discussion about an anime in the CC that you really dislike. Someone asks your thoughts on it; how do you respond? (NOT What would you say?)
Give them my insight on why I didn't like it
4) Mark each section of this thread you read. We don't except everyone to read everything, so be truthful!
[X] Intro
[X] Rules
[X] Ranking
[X] Events Info
[ ] Citadel/Avatar Info
[X] MAL Info
[ ] Random stuff after app
5) How did you find us? If someone referred you, tell us who so they can get be credited!
I was searching for a clan so I could discuss anime with my fellow scapers!
6) Skipped
7) Do you have a MAL account? NOT required. (If you and would like to share it with us, please write it here as well)
I do! Although I need to update it a bit for this week. animelist/ituharu/
8) Why do you want to be in Anime Lobby and what do you hope to get out of joining?
I'm hoping to have people to talk to about anime while skilling or leveling up. I hope to gain friends and possibly discover new anime.
9) After your application is accepted, YOU need to follow up by either guesting in the Clan Chat (instructions below) and/or pm a staff for an invite.
We will usually not attempt to contact you. Do you understand/agree?