1) Do you like anime? yes, my favourite is GTO and I cried like a little baby at Clannad, now let's see if the magic works with Little Busters.
2) Have you read, and will you follow CC rules? yes, rule 4 is the most important to me. respect is a must in a good clan.
3) Have you read the rest of the clan thread? ehh, yes?
4) How did you find us? Other, I've been a member of anime lobby, I'm N i c e.
5) Which time zone do you use? Do you understand this is a central/eastern timezone clan and the time differences between your time zone and ours? gmt+1 and yes I understand the difference in timezones.
6) Do you have a MyAnimeList account? yup, Tommy0wn
7) Why do you want to be in Anime Lobby? I got some friends there and I like to talk about anime with people because I can't do that with anyone else.
8) In order for you to be invited, you must be visiting our CLAN CHAT and ask an officer to invite you after your application has been accepted. If your application isn't accepted yet, you can ask officers and they'll speed up the process. IF YOU DO NOT COME INTO THE CLAN CHAT AS A GUEST, WE CAN'T COMMUNICATE WITH YOU AND THUS CAN'T INVITE YOU. Remeber, the CLAN CHAT, not the friend chat.
Please sign below if you understand.
-LBusters (N i c e).
15-Oct-2012 20:13:09