Hello!! I'm interested in joining if you guys would have me. I'm some what new still to Runescape; I have played some OSRS, probably more than RS3, but have recently jumped back in to start getting my skills up to par. I'm still learning and it seems as though your clan is very friendly and helpful if needed. I'm not one to ask for a lot of help but I do enjoy the social aspect it adds to the game! I have not completed a lot of quests just yet as i've been just taking on skills here and there so thats next on the list, conquer quests and dive deeper into the game. I do have a wife and kid so I do have to adult from time to time but I do have time to enjoy video games.
Thank you for your interest. I have just tried to PM you in game but I think you maybe offline or have your PM settings to friends only.
Feel free to guest in the clan to get a feel for it, alternatively reach out to myself or any one of the named clannies on the home page and we'll be more than happy to introduce you and answer any questions you may have!