3) How would you describe yourself: Skiller, Pvmer, Quester, somewhere in between, or something else? im a returning player been playing rs07 but i would say pvmer but prob not that good since iv never done any high tier bosses on rs3 other than arraxor, right now im working on getting maxed hopefully
4) What is your favourite colour? (optional) Black
5) Do you agree to all of our rules? ofc
6) Were you recruited or helped by anyone? Please list their name. nope just found it on forums
7) Will you be an active member and participate in keeping the clan chat active and attending events? (optional) i think that depends on what we are doing but yes
8) Is there anything you would like us to add to our clan that will make this a more enjoyable experience? erhm idk no :d?
9) What timezone are you from? GMT+2
10) Do you prefer large events less often , or smaller events more consistantly? hmm i think bigger things would say me most since im often doing something in the game, would be tiering to run back and forth too often i think but again it depends on what events we are talking about
Hey there! CJ here, House of Skills leadership. We have reviewed your recruitment application and we would be happy to have you aboard! to get an invite, simply join our clan chat as a guest in game and ask for an invite.
The skilled C.J , at your service