Name: Morker (Jordan)
Where are you from: Tennessee
Time-zone: EST
Do you understand and agree to our rules? I do
How long have you played Runescape? Off and on since 2006. Really came back into it recently
Any experience with other clans and what do you think you can bring to the clan? I was in a clan two years ago but never did anything. I’m helpful and fun to be around when I know what I’m doing content wise.
Introduce yourself, tell us about you! I’m Jordan, I’m 27. I have a son and an Australian Shepherd both just turned one recently. I am an army veteran and work long hours now
Who if anyone, recommended you to us? N/A
Will you guest in our Clan Chat and reach out to one of the Admin+ ranked members!? Absolutely
01-Jul-2021 00:24:24