Runescape name: GlaciesLupi.
Name you would like to be called: Call me whatever you want to call me, most people here call me Lupi though.
How long have you been playing RS: Well, I have played RuneScape years ago, but stopped playing during the Evolution of Combat and Solomon`s store updates. Now I started to play again, since around 2 weeks ago, on this new account, out of pure nostalgia and fun. So much has changed though, so I am, technically, kinda, a new, recurring, noob player? I don't remember much of this game.
Total level: 624, but growing.
Why do you want to join this clan: I am a gay person myself, I have a boyfriend, and this seems like a nice clan with kind and fun people to meet.
Where did you hear about us (please be specific): I made a thread on the RuneScape forums and a member named Branndon replied to it. The post and this thread immidiatly caught my attention.
What timezone are you: Central European Standard Time (I am from Belgium).
What does LGBT+ stand for? Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transexual Transgender Queer and alot more.
01-Oct-2019 22:35:59